Screening in Bella Bella !

What a wonderful day.

First off the mentors prepped the gifts and made sure all the filmmakers will get their films on USB keys. Then it was off to set up for the screening!

Lots of deliveries with delicious food from the Under 13 basketball team! THANK YOU!

Tehya came at 1 to finish their edit…it was decided that she could edit through the screening and show it at the end…this buys her the most time…that is dedication!

Yaya and her grandma and grandad came! Tey and her mom and dad and sister came! Sanique and her family came including her sister who stars in the video! Danny and his mom came! Eryn came! Teyha sat with her mom right after she finished her edit! We missed Norman and Elle but send them good health and congrats!

Latoya and her grandad Bernard came…thanks for the beautiful necklace made from devils claw and painted in Chilkat colours! Jane came who made the bannock!

AND lots more people were there…it was a full house.

These films are beautiful, funny ,moving, informative, important, cultural, inspiring, experimental and thoughtful ! BRAVO!

A few filmmakers came to front and accepted more applause. (We don’t want to force anyone to come and stand at the front if they don’t want to.) SO tonight there were four filmmakers and some even shared their inspiration.


To further celebrate some folks went to the community hall for more basketball. Go Tey!

Our hearts are full. ˇGiǎxsix̌a"