Old Crow - Sunday

A beautiful sunny day in Old Crow…day off.

It feels like summer here, blue skies and warm wind! You can see the Porcupine River has completely melted and there are chunks of ice flowing down. What we are learning is that there are many rivers and sloughs that feed into the Porcupine River and so we will start to see more ice from different places float by.

We sat outside the Darius Elias Community Hall and watched the river float by. Such a wonderful way to spend time. Talking with Jeneen and Roger and Danny and many others. Hearing stories and learning about life up here. Feels like a good choice. Remember when we were kids and we could just play in the mud??? Yes!

We saw about 10 caribou on the ice float by. Very stressful…since we learned that this is precarious for them…even though caribou are GREAT swimmers getting trapped on the ice may mean they drown…we put out serious positive vibes out to them!

We also learned that the Darius Elias Community Hall is designed to mimic the shape of a caribou fence.

Kayleen, so kindly, offered to drive us around in her family’s new truck! It was nice for Cheryl and Sebnem to get a sense of the whole of Old Crow. We drove all the way around, through the Up Sub (upper subdivision), and the back road and then down along by the airport.

The ice sometimes looks like diamonds or cartoon icebergs…blueish in colour…really hard to capture in the photos. Apparently this blue ice is delicious in ice tea or melted just to drink. SO fresh!