Old Crow - exciting Monday

Yes, we started the workshop in a flurry of filmmaking activity!

Mary Jane was finding imagery for her film as well as editing.

Sophie, conducted an early morning video shoot, filming herself talking in Gwich’in, in her backyard! And now she will edit the approx hour of footage shorter as well as collect imagery to use in her film.

Kayleen continued to edit her words and pictures together, learning about transitions.

But then… suddenly… came the community warning that a lot of ice was flowing down from the east and that we should all be ready in case there was flooding. Danny also let us know to not get super close to edger of the river since the edge might actually collapse due to it being water logged and potentially unstable! Apparently there was already flooding out by the airport and the road that we drove on yesterday was now closed. So everyone started packing their bags of valuables etc to be ready in case the alarm went off…if it did then the folks down by the river were to get themselves up to the school which is on higher ground.

It was potentially a lot of factors… planes fly along the river monitoring it and they saw how there was a large mass of ice heading toward Old Crow… also the warm wind melting everything more than usual (it is usually a cold north wind but we had a warm west wind) and ice was also building up at various bends in the river which causes the river to rise…we did learn that back in the day the ice chunks would be much larger but I guess because of the cold wind things didn’t melt as fast…

As filmmakers all our valuables were equipment so, we decided to pack everything up to be ready to go.

Then we stayed at the John Tyzia Center watching the Porcupine River….getting updates from Rosie or Mary Jane or anyone that walked by…it was a beautiful day but a little anxious. Massive chunks of ice were moving quickly down the river…with lots of attention to the rise and fall along the river bank.

Eventually, 4pm passed, then 5pm…and then we were told it was all ok.…Kayleen and Shaylynn gave us an update and let us know that Mary Jane was interested in doing a bit of editing now that the flooding situation was past…so back to storytelling and filmmaking. A nice way to end this exciting day!

(below is a video of some of the river ice flow…)