Kamloops Boot Camp Weekend

The workshop continues through the weekend…!

On Saturday Brody and Evan start work right away! Evan is in FULL producer mode, organizing gear, finalizing location! Brody purchased a phone microphone and mini-tripod! So he starts testing the sound and image!

On Sunday, it turns out, Evan’s shoot is postponed…he was denied permission to film out at the pit house. This is a bummer, but unfortunatly an aspect of filmaking. The needs for permissions to use locations and music and actors…it is an important step to learn. Oftentimes this means the filmmaker has to pivot…so there's another pit house out at Cache Creek that might work and a teepee that is right in Kamloops…so we shall see what happens next. In order to use his time Evan worked on lighting and test shots!

Sunday was also a paint party at a graffiti space, they loved it and had a blast ! And captured drone footage!

Sadly, Venay and lisa g headed back to Vancouver on Saturday…the skies wept, it is so hard to make friends and leave mid project! That said, the crew is dedicated and there is big anticipation for what stories will get made! CAN”T WAIT!