Kamloops Filmmaking Bootcamp

This Bootcamp was a long time coming…

In 2020 Chris Bose had a dream of a creative TRAPLINE in BC…a concept to create a hub in Kamloops that could service Indigenous creatives in southern BC… this workshop represents the first part of this dream.

This workshop not only mentors community members to make their own films but also to mentor new mentors with the idea to build a supportive & robust artistic community!

So nice to meet you Charlie & Riley - mentors in training… what great energy and enthusiasm you are bringing to the workshop!

The participants are Brody, Garet and Evan! Welcome!

Thursday and Friday were such fabulous days of hanging out IN PERSON! It was such a treat to get to know everyone, sharing stories, watching short films and discussing ideas.

The bootcamp is being held at MASTERMIND production studios and one of the owners, Peter, gave us a tour! It is an amazing facility ! We are SO STOKED to be here.

At the end of the day Peter dropped some gear off for the workshop: an amazing tripod, a shotgun mic with dead cat (wind sock) and boom pole…. AND DELUXE LED LIGHTING KIT!!! Peter gave everyone a lesson on how to use it. They are battery powered and can dial up any colour of light! They dont get hot AND the lights themselves are on this flimsy fabric …SO COOL!

Feeling so lucky and supported in this community. (heart emoji)

We are SO excited to see what films emerge from this talented group! (Everyone already had ideas…)