Day 6 Bella Bella !

Today our workshop started at 9:30am. Our commute was fresh and beautiful.

For this trip we are staying at the Health Center house which is a really lovely 5 minute walk to the Youth Center.

Today we had Danny working on his credits and chasing down the keyboard to make an original song! After rehearsing this song was recorded and brought into the editing program. The timing on the animation was also figured out! Now it plays at a slower pace so the viewer can enjoy the imagery and take in the story! Danny is in a great spot to be ready to screen on Saturday!

Norman worked on a rough edit of 2 interviews. (Margaret and Tess) This is all about deep listening and cutting out all the silences and the questions. It is about thinking about story and what is said. Norman put titles on each clip to remind them what was being said, this will help later so they don’t have to listen to everything all the time. Tehya is away today so Norman also prepared for an interview with Ayla, writing the questions and setting up the interview spot. The interview went amazing! That is hard to do: camera and sound AND asking the questions! Great Job!

Tj is also away today, there is flu going around in Bella Bella, so here’s hoping they get better soon! ;)

Sanique recorded the full song today - first thing in the morning AND brought costume changes and EYELASHES and went out in the Youth Center Truck to film at various locations ! She captured some beautiful imagery for her music video. This is really coming together! Sanique has a real vision!

Eryn added some more videos and titles and showed Claudette and Lori the edit. Sometimes it is nice to show an in progress video to ‘fresh eyes’ and get feedback. Since both Lori and Claudette know about ALL the programs and trips that happen with the Youth Center they suggested maybe including a few more photos and videos to show the scope of what is offered. Ultimately it is up to each director to hear critique and then make up their own mind. Eryn decided to add a few more and reorder her edit. This is ALOT of thinking and organizing. It is important to understand that thinking is a large part of filmmaking. This is also a video that is in great shape to be completed by Saturday!

Elle wouldn’t be coming in today but Yaya came in at breaks from Heiltsuk language class as well as after school. Yaya rerecorded their intro and synced the sound. They also synced Elle’s sound for her intro. Syncing sound is taking the sound from the recording device and matching it to video. The sound gets recorded from a lapel mic that picks up clear sound from the person who is being interviewed. Yaya also went to Auntie Kathy’s and captured and incredible, thoughtful and inspirational interview. WOW!

GREAT day!

Also of note Lori and Claudette took the mentors to Shearwater for dinner. VERY SWEET. It was Reed’s birthday so it was nice to have a delicious meal together.

PS did we mention Lori has a passion for running shoes? each one tells a story! Let’s make an animation one day about this….anyone????