Back in Bella Bella!

Feeling grateful to be back in Bella Bella!

Leaving Vancouver right before the arctic outflow hits and a blue sky bumpy ride later we arrive to -10 Waglisla sunshine! Big thanks to Lori, Reg and Marlo for picking us up! Then on to the Youth Centre to unpack and arrange and rearrange the gear.

Some delicious bannock and chocolate chip muffins were an additional welcome! ;)

At 3pm the young people start arriving and it is familiar faces and new faces. Us mentors (Sebnem, Reed and Lisa g) are interested to learn what folks will want to say in their films. It was incredible how quickly everyone started to make plans…in 2 1/2 hours so much happened:

New friends TJ and SJ (Sanique) plan to work together…perhaps a cultural film about basketball with an original song by Sanique…

Danny is returning and has a WHOLE story planned out ! He has created characters that tell a universal story about how people can hurt each other and then in turn this hurt can turn to anger and then this anger can hurt ourselves. Danny is using the allegory of fire to tell this story. Thanks for bringing all your sketch books and animations. Since the last time we saw you, you have been drawing and animating SO MUCH !

Ya Ya and Elle are BACK and they are going to make a film about language and culture…even though they are already busy in the Heiltsuk language class from 9-3 everyday…since they are Our World Elders they already know what needs to be done…

Eryn is returning and wants to make a film about the Highlights of the Youth Center! She has SO MANY FUN memories and videos. This will be a wonderful walk down memory lane.

This is the first time to meet both Tehya and Norman and they want to work together on a film about Culture - they plan to conduct some interviews, record Tehya creating her regalia and get some footage on the boat trip on Sunday.

Aaliya came by to visit and although she has a full time job - they still hope to come by and perhaps animate a little something.

Big thanks for the THANKSGIVING dinner Claudette, Reg and Lori…A. MAZE. ING !!!!I forgot to take pictures! ;(