Old Crow - Saturday workshop & screening

Today is the day of the screening!

But first …. a few final tweaks, changes and additons to Mary Jane and Sophie’s films. It is sometimes nice to have a sleep and then come back with fresh eyes and energy to do these final bits. MJ and Sophie both have a work ethic that won’t quit…it is nice to hear that they also both enjoy making their films!

A small group of us watched both of these films to get final feedback. Sophie’s sister Erin joined us too! Once again nice to have fresh eyes on the films. When making a film you get so close to the content that you almost can’t see it or hear it anymore…so fresh eyes and ears is helpful. Thanks everyone for their final bits of words, advise and praise!

We are so excited to see and hear the reaction from the audience!

Vuntut Gwitchin Government Communications fellow, Gyde, will be our projectionist tonight so we made sure to drop of the files early.

At 5pm we went over for the dinner, remembering to bring plates and cutlery! A delicious meal of caribou ribs, chicken, rice and salad was served with tarts for dessert!

During dinner we got to see about 5 caribou across the river swimming and then crawling out onto the bank!!! It was so exciting and EVERYONE crowded to the windows!

Gyde made a beautiful slideshow about the 30th anniversary of the Vuntut Gwichin First Nation Final and Self Government Agreement. It had so many lovely portraits of elders who came before. I hope I can provide a link here when it gets posted on the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation website….

THEN…it was our turn! Megan made a lovely introduction to the Our World Project and then Lisa g introduced the filmmakers and Cheryl handed out the gifts to Megan, Izaiah, Sophie and Mary Jane (Vernon Jr and Kayleen were not at the hall at that time) then Mary Jane made an inspirational speech about sharing culture and filmmaking.

Then the films screened in a nice order starting with the youngest generation Vernon Jr and Izaiah with their humorous animation called Dinner, then it went into the next generation with Kayleen’s film HOME OF OLD CROW then the next generation with Sophie’s all Gwich’in film called Na'aa shahnuu and then the next generation again with Mary Jane’s film Instilling Gwich'in Values encouraging youth to continue in their quest for culture and connection.

Sophie’s film was about her own relationship to language, and her dream of speaking it herself plus wanting to provide the Gwich’in Language for her son…she spoke Gwich’in for her entire 22 minute film! AND the audience was riveted. After the credits rolled Sophie recieved a standing ovation!

It was such a wonderful and very emotional moment!

Massive congratulations to all the filmmakers !! It was a special night to share the films during Caribou Days!

Atsushi took our picture outside…please notice our FILMMAKER t-shirts that we had made special for this workshop.

Vernon Jr was congratulated and given his gift!

Then us mentors walked over to Kayleen’s house and gave her the film screening update and gave out her gift!

Then it was a fun night of the Talent Show with kids singing and doing gymnastics, an Elvis impersonator, Brandon K sharing funny Elder translation stories, Allan sharing some Dene Drumming and his fast running and some amazing singing, guitar and fiddle. Plus the muskrat, goose, and moose call contest which had us laughing SO hard. Teresa Frost AGAIN was SUCH a funny host.

And then finally some bluegrass music and dancing!

What a wonderful night. I included an outside shot of the hall from around midnight…see how light it is? And as well the bikes or ATV’s parked outside!

Mahsi’ choo/Thank you to everyone.