Kangiqsujuaq - Workshop Day 2

We set the rest of the workshops to 1pm-9pm, in order to accommodate the community.

Nigel came at 1pm and we all walked to the FM station, it was cold and the wind was fierce so we often walked backwards and took the short cut to the station. Nigel had one of his new puppies in tow and Sebnem and Lisa took turns carrying him. (Crazy southerners! Haha)

Nigel’s grandmother, Errayou, was conducting her weekly radio show and she so kindly allowed us to advertise about the film workshop. All the mentors took turns to introduce ourselves and the film project and Nigel translated in Inuktitut. Big thanks to Nigel’s grandmother for giving us airtime! Nakummiik.

Community Radio is the best!

Then we walked back to the residence and got down to work. Sebnem transcribed Nigel’s hand written english translation and Nigel worked on his Dad’s interview edit. Nigel’s pal Paul came in and started working on a song he wants to record. He wrote the intro and the verse. Bravo!

An elder named Lally came in as well. Glenn and Lisa both met Lally last year and she wanted to tell a story about camping! Glenn and Lisa arranged her camera and microphone and she told her story, first in English and then in Inuktitut. Lally’s face shon so bright and happy with the memories of camping and in particular, the Canada Goose. She decided to only use the Inuktitut version and so Lisa helped her start on her subtitles. Since Lally doesn’t have any pictures Glenn showed her paper puppets and the potential to animate some of the scenes. Such fun!

Nigel again worked late finishing his subtitles!! GOOD WORK!

Sebnem was hired as night security. This meant she monitored the door and made ‘rounds’ around the residence until 3am. Glenn and Lisa kept her company until midnight….having a little fun using security cameras as an experimental film… but that is another story.